Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Great American Con Job

Todays America is a con artists paradise. Among the great American con jobs of this century has to be health care. You get it from all sides. Insurance companies pay off congress to tell you that they have your best interest at heart. Meanwhile they charge you ever more for the substandard care they are willing to authorize, and the medical establishment helps by coming up with ever more ridiculous reasons for you to seek health care. Among the greatest current boondoggles is "sleep apnea". You see, now its a major medical problem if you snore, snort, or fart during sleep. It requires a sleep study, which a panel of pulmonology specialists must study, to tell you that you don't sleep right. Then they fit you with a contraption that they must laugh themselves silly about called a c-pap machine which blows air into your mouth so you can sleep better and oh, most important of all, everybody involved except you gets paid.

First they said that obesity is a major indicator of sleep apnea, then they discovered that the same number of people who are not obese get sleep apnea as who are, but yet they still use obesity as a risk factor to decide that you must undergo a sleep study while allowing the non-obese people who fall alseep on the job to carry on without interruption. This used to be called discrimination, but no one cares if you discriminate against the obese, after all who likes fat people?  I am 6 foot, 280 pounds with more stamina than almost any of my co-workers, yet I am a risk factor for sleep apnea because my neck is too big. So if you are killed by a driver who falls asleep whose neck is less than 17", don't expect sympathy because that person was not considered obese.

The ridiculousness of America is starting to wear on me. In the city I live in, Las Vegas, we are among the most regulated people in America because of our responsibility to insure the integrity of the gaming and legalized prostitution industries. Yet we elect a notorious mob lawyer to be mayor and then his wife, and they use taxpayer money to  build a monument to their enormous eons old con.

And if I complain I am an outsider who won't be allowed to rub elbows with the scum who scheme on my money everyday. They will look down on me as they party with the money they conned me for and if I complain to the bureaucracy I paid for, they will say sorry but you have no clout. And if I linger too long wondering how the hell I came to this I may be arrested for loitering in the public place my tax dollars support.

But its all the American way now, and I must not interfere as they do their best to rig the free market that I am told will save me, but which they will not allow to be free of their manipulation. And they laugh and call me naive if I say that free market means free to serve us all.

So I will go now and get another martini because I have a feeling I better drink as many as I can before someone decides that a regular guy like me should not be allowed to drink them. Take care and have a nice life.

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