Thursday, September 29, 2011

Herman Cane and the Brainwashed Negroes

I personally do not care that Herman Cane is running for the Republican nomination to be President of the United States. I think hes is a funny guy and I would love to have him tell me how he managed to arrive at his political beliefs. At best he strikes me as just another opportunist attempting to use the Newt Gingrich method of filling your pockets with the money of the easily misled.

But when he dares to apologize for African American people, which means by extension me, to the far right social conservatives whom I am convinced are dedicated to rolling back the clock on Americas social progress to the detriment of my grandchildren, I get mad. Herman Cane would dare to say that " African Americans are brainwashed into voting for Democrats." How can it be called being brainwashed to want to vote for people who clearly represent the issues which will benefit the average American. On virtually every issue, job creation, health care, schools, collective bargaining, environmental protection and on and on, what I see from the right wing that Herman Cane seeks to entertain seems to me to be a to want to move the nation many steps back in an effort to create a country with clearly defined class differences, greatly reducing economic opportunity for those not born wealthy. That any Black man could look and listen to the rhetoric pouring forth from these people and not see that no matter how successful Cane thinks he is, he nor anyone who looks like him is a part of the vision conservatives have for this country beyond the role of subservience. Anyone who cannot see this is clearly brainwashed or simply delusional.

But I give Herman Can more credit than he gives us. I feel sure he does not believe what he says, confirming my suspicion that he is a man lacking any amount of personal integrity. I have known men like him, who think they somewhere along the line lucked into some great wisdom and in his own mind probably believes that he is really clever in getting social conservatives to support him on any level. He is correct that even though he has no chance of winning the nomination, he will rake in large speaking fees as they trot Cane out whenever they want to have affirm how smart they are because, after all , he agrees with us.

To me though, this is the true definition of an Uncle Tom, the willingness to humiliate and bring harm to your own people in an effort to advance your own personal agenda . Believe what you want Herman, but don't try to disrespect and humiliate us to achieve your goal. You may not like the result.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better Frank. You should forward this post to Huffingtonpost.
