Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Enemy Expatriation Act is itself an act of treason

Throughout America's history, after every great challenge; the civil war, World Wars I & II, The Great Depression, part of what helped America recover was that America felt it clearly saw it self and recognized who it was. But the America of today has its greatest challenge in  that when it looks in the mirror it does not recognize what it sees. Since the end of segregation, because of immigration coming  from all over the world, thanks to the result of years of oil profiteering, America no longer resembles to power wielding conservatives the country they wanted to believe they lived in. This is why they are now willing to gut it. They want to rip it apart and remake it in the image they want. Only a fool believes this will benefit anyone who believes in freedom and democracy for all. And I think this problem will define how history judges America of this current time period.

 I think historians will say today's Americans lived during the last gasp of a great society. That America became a victim of itself. Like a fat, ignorant, greedy child, lost in the woods surrounded by predators anxious to eat it, the most dangerous of whom we thought were friends,  we put on blinders to what was really happening around the world and allowed ourselves to be seduced by ideas like Amercian Exceptional-ism, even as we saw a steady decline in the nations quality of education, health system and the very idea that a free market should be inclusive and reward all who contribute to its success, not just those who get themselves to the top. Like every accomplished society in history, our decline was made inevitable by an ever increasing focus on greed that inhibited our ability to see the forest for the trees.

Against the backdrop of these times,  our government debates the legislation being promoted by Joe Lieberman and Charles Dent known as the Enemy Expatriation Act, it is clear that we are facing one of the greatest attacks on the very foundation of the principles of the constitution of the United States in our lifetime. No matter how innocent these supporters of this bill claim their intentions are, it is clear that this will ultimately become a tool for those who would silence any form of dissension of US citizens aimed at any part or member of the US government. Is it merely a coincidence that this legislation should be proposed now, when terrorism, which sponsors of this legislation claimed this act is designed to deal with, is actually on the run, but more and more Americans are awakening to the erosion of their rights by those who would break unions and give ever increasing power and benefits to the conservative elite.

I feel that the most powerful thing America's founding fathers did was to assert that the citizens of these United States should always have the right to protest the actions of their government and further, if they found that this government no longer served them, to change it for the best interest of the majority. The Enemy Expatriation act would clearly be most effective at limiting the number of people who can participate in their duty to oversee their government and supporting it is no less than an act of treason. It is time Americans take a long look at people like Lieberman and Dent and others who would propose legislation designed to limit the ability of ordinary Americans to participate in their government. They need to be removed from their offices and banned from ever holding a leadership role in American politics again. 

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