There is no greater irony than Latinos, Asians, Blacks and others like them supporting people like Romney and Ryan. What they don't want to accept is that these peoples greatest fear is that their kind will lose power to an ever increasing population of non white voters. Their plan is to empower a permanent ruling elite class in advance of the coming time when non whites will outnumber whites as voters in America. So what do you think they will do with those who they used, that they know will someday realize they were duped? The idea that these folks will be grateful and therefore they will reward those who helped them even if they are not part of the people they desire in their world is ridiculous. First off, why would they ever trust someone who betrayed their own people and their own best interests in the name of greed? No one worries about being robbed more than a thief. No, the first thing to do is rid yourselves of those who remind you of your own treachery. It is a basic part of self preservation for the paranoid to feel you must remove those who you fear may someday retaliate. And no group of people are more paranoid than far right conservatives, who generally have enriched themselves by taking advantage of the less fortunate. Out of sight, out of mind.
Never in my 58 years of life has it been more important to vote, to stem the tide that has been the result finally of years of trying by the far right conservative and Libertarians (who are actually the most extreme in hiding) to finally undo Americas social and economic advances that go back to the New Deal. We have a clear choice, we can elect a man who will continue the trend of appointing justices to the supreme court who have no allegiance to the Constitution but rather desire to remake this nation in an image they have had for generations, to abolish majority rule and establish a plutocratic system in which all power is held by the ruling elite. This is not anything new, these types of societies have existed since the beginning of time, and in every case they are ultimately overthrown, often violently by the majority once they have finally had enough. But in the meanwhile they have generations to enrich and engorge themselves with wealth and power. The people who promote this approach are the offspring of many of the same people who supported Hitler, because they had the same long term goal.
The most prominent and outspoken of the founding fathers of America were most afraid of this happening. They were all too familiar with the powerful East India Companies and what they felt could be the ultimate outcome of allowing such concentrations of money and power. In reaction to the Supreme Courts ruling on Citizens United, The Harvard Review published "What The Founding Fathers Really Thought about Corporations", by Justin Fox, which contained within his blog an e-mail conversation with Brian Murphy, a history professor who is recognized as an authority on the aims of the founding fathers in writing the constitution. Among his comments: "Early Americans had a far more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of corporations than the (Supreme)
Court gives them credit for. When you read Madison in particular, you see that he wasn't blindly hostile to banks during his fight with Alexander Hamilton over the Bank of the United States. Instead, he's worried about the unchecked power of accumulations of capital that come with creating a class of bankers. They saw corporations as corrupting influences on both the economy at large and on government — that's why they described the East India Company as imperium in imperio, a sort of "state within a state." This wasn't an outcome they were looking to replicate."
Nothing will more surely lead to the final destruction of America as freedom loving people see it than electing the people whose ultimate goal is to establish an elite ruling class. And make no mistake, that is what Romney, Ryan,the Koch Brothers, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and others like them are working for.
Vote, and urge everyone you know to vote, because never has it been so important, and it is a right that may not always be something we can take for granted if we elect some of the people who are plotting the takeover of this nation. When I was a child, it was black people who struggled to be able to vote, soon it may be all who are not among the ruling elite, and that will be a lot of more of you than you realize.
Never in my 58 years of life has it been more important to vote, to stem the tide that has been the result finally of years of trying by the far right conservative and Libertarians (who are actually the most extreme in hiding) to finally undo Americas social and economic advances that go back to the New Deal. We have a clear choice, we can elect a man who will continue the trend of appointing justices to the supreme court who have no allegiance to the Constitution but rather desire to remake this nation in an image they have had for generations, to abolish majority rule and establish a plutocratic system in which all power is held by the ruling elite. This is not anything new, these types of societies have existed since the beginning of time, and in every case they are ultimately overthrown, often violently by the majority once they have finally had enough. But in the meanwhile they have generations to enrich and engorge themselves with wealth and power. The people who promote this approach are the offspring of many of the same people who supported Hitler, because they had the same long term goal.
The most prominent and outspoken of the founding fathers of America were most afraid of this happening. They were all too familiar with the powerful East India Companies and what they felt could be the ultimate outcome of allowing such concentrations of money and power. In reaction to the Supreme Courts ruling on Citizens United, The Harvard Review published "What The Founding Fathers Really Thought about Corporations", by Justin Fox, which contained within his blog an e-mail conversation with Brian Murphy, a history professor who is recognized as an authority on the aims of the founding fathers in writing the constitution. Among his comments: "Early Americans had a far more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of corporations than the (Supreme)
Court gives them credit for. When you read Madison in particular, you see that he wasn't blindly hostile to banks during his fight with Alexander Hamilton over the Bank of the United States. Instead, he's worried about the unchecked power of accumulations of capital that come with creating a class of bankers. They saw corporations as corrupting influences on both the economy at large and on government — that's why they described the East India Company as imperium in imperio, a sort of "state within a state." This wasn't an outcome they were looking to replicate."
Nothing will more surely lead to the final destruction of America as freedom loving people see it than electing the people whose ultimate goal is to establish an elite ruling class. And make no mistake, that is what Romney, Ryan,the Koch Brothers, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and others like them are working for.
Vote, and urge everyone you know to vote, because never has it been so important, and it is a right that may not always be something we can take for granted if we elect some of the people who are plotting the takeover of this nation. When I was a child, it was black people who struggled to be able to vote, soon it may be all who are not among the ruling elite, and that will be a lot of more of you than you realize.
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